Boucherouite rug

Boucherouite rug

Boucherouite carpets or "boucharouite" are a specificity of Morocco. Women weave rugs from torn fabrics from salvaged textiles. A thousand rags or bits of thread in cotton, nylon or synthetic materials, more rarely wool, then participate in the manufacture of fabulous decorations.

Collection of 183 Boucherouite rugs

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Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62032

Berber rug #ZK62032 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

70x45 cm - 2'3" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK62032
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59188

Berber rug #ZK59188 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

66x40 cm - 2'1" x 1'3"

60 $ 72$ - 81$C 97$C ZK59188
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59190

Berber rug #ZK59190 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

66x40 cm - 2'1" x 1'3"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59190
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59214

Berber rug #ZK59214 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

69x44 cm - 2'3" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59214
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59213

Berber rug #ZK59213 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

69x45 cm - 2'3" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59213
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59189

Berber rug #ZK59189 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

70x40 cm - 2'3" x 1'3"

60 $ 72$ - 81$C 97$C ZK59189
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62025

Berber rug #ZK62025 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

70x45 cm - 2'3" x 1'5"

60 $ 78$ - 81$C 106$C ZK62025
Boucherouite Medium and Small



70x47 cm - 2'3" x 1'6"

60 $ 78$ - 81$C 106$C ZK57154

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59216

Berber rug #ZK59216 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

71x45 cm - 2'3" x 1'5"

60 $ 78$ - 81$C 106$C ZK59216
Boucherouite Medium and Small



72x46 cm - 2'4" x 1'6"

60 $ 78$ - 81$C 106$C ZK57151



73x42 cm - 2'4" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59207

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59183

Berber rug #ZK59183 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

73x50 cm - 2'4" x 1'7"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59183
Boucherouite Medium and Small



74x41 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59227

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62036

Berber rug #ZK62036 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

74x41 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

80 $ 88$ - 108$C 119$C ZK62036
Boucherouite Medium and Small



74x43 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59193

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62028

Berber rug #ZK62028 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x40 cm - 2'5" x 1'3"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK62028
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62031

Berber rug #ZK62031 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x41 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK62031
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62027

Berber rug #ZK62027 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x43 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

20 $ 24$ - 27$C 32$C ZK62027
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59186

Berber rug #ZK59186 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x43 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 72$ - 81$C 97$C ZK59186
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59234

Berber rug #ZK59234 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x45 cm - 2'5" x 1'5"

60 $ 72$ - 81$C 97$C ZK59234
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59221

Berber rug #ZK59221 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

75x47 cm - 2'5" x 1'6"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59221
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59210

Berber rug #ZK59210 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x40 cm - 2'5" x 1'3"

60 $ 72$ - 81$C 97$C ZK59210
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59235

Berber rug #ZK59235 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x41 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59235
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59217

Berber rug #ZK59217 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x42 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59217
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59208

Berber rug #ZK59208 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x42 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 78$ - 81$C 106$C ZK59208
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59195

Berber rug #ZK59195 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x43 cm - 2'5" x 1'4"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59195
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59230

Berber rug #ZK59230 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x44 cm - 2'5" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59230
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59199

Berber rug #ZK59199 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x44 cm - 2'5" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59199
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK62030

Berber rug #ZK62030 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x45 cm - 2'5" x 1'5"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK62030
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Medium and Small #ZK59205

Berber rug #ZK59205 from catalog Boucherouite Medium and Small

76x46 cm - 2'5" x 1'6"

60 $ 66$ - 81$C 89$C ZK59205
Boucherouite Medium and Small

Boucherouite Berber rugs

In the Boucherouite Berber rug, the contrast between the poverty of the material and the richness of the composition adds to the astonishment and wonder of this textile art.

While not long ago, these Berber carpets did not interest anyone and the carpet merchants in the souks did not even offer them, a movement of interest was born which goes from Europe, to the USA and to the Japan.

The sincerity of these popular works of art, their joy of colors, their lyrical abstractions, the modesty of their prices interest young trendy generations in search of aesthetic and authentic values. We can even talk about Eco-design.

The small formats, which are often Berber saddle rugs, are now supervised by gallery owners and thus take on their status of "picture rugs". These works of great artistic richness are then similar to paintings by artists to be installed on the wall.

These Moroccan Boucherouite rugs are an invitation to visual reverie, where nothing is definitively delimited in advance, where the suspended shapes seem to suggest a continuity towards infinity beyond the frame of the picture rug .

We like to vibrate in front of this or that Berber Boucherouite rug. It's even more moving to think that this one wasn't meant to be art. It has become so without the knowledge of its creator, whose desire to create a domestic object has been sublimated by influences buried in the memory of her ancestors. Each carpet-picture transcends in a surprising way the ethnic determinisms of its origin to achieve a universal aesthetic expression. Aesthetics that work magically and immediately on the eyes.

Unlike most European tapestry techniques which work from a model (or "cardboard"), the Berber woman advances under her fingers without drawing or preparatory sketch, exactly as a painting can be born under the effect of a brush. It is in this that each Boucherouite is a unique work, because all the sensitivity of the Berber woman can be expressed without restraint or premeditation.

The cultural influence of these Berber women dates back to the dawn of time. The diamond pattern very present in Moroccan carpets is a decoration that has existed since the Neolithic era. These woven works reveal to us the traces of a millennial civilization by revealing reminiscences of signs and symbols of a distant prehistory. We also find in these Berber carpets the result of the mixing of Moroccan and African cultures through the ancestral circulation of caravans from the Sahara and Sudan.

As Frédéric DAMGAARD ​​does in his excellent book “carpets and weaving, the art of Berber women in Morocco”, it is wise to compare the loom of a Berber woman to that of a musical instrument. “It is easy to imagine a Berber woman in front of her loom like a pianist in front of her piano, both compose beautiful music with rhythms and harmonies, in terms of colors and notes. Their scores are never completely rigid and leave room for personal interpretations or improvisation initiatives. They also both have at their disposal a very vast repertoire, which they can interpret as they please and according to their sensitivity”.

The polychromy that arises from these strips of fabric can be overwhelming in its poetry, in its fluidity, in its imagination, in its fantasy, in its joy. The spontaneity of abstract shapes and colors creates works that are not only decorative but truly artistic. We touch the heart of tribal art, popular art, raw art.

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